Founded 1994
Let's Talk Plants!

Photo Contest - Past SDHS Garden Tours

Share Your Garden Photos

The contest is now closed, but check out the entries below!

Since our garden and meetings are canceled for the time being, we would like to keep you involved in our Horticultural Community.

In lieu of a garden tour we are asking for members to share their photos from past garden tours with the public.  

We've asked the garden tour chair, John Beaudry, to select his favorite photo from the submittals.  The photographer of the selected photo will receive a hand-crafted wooden bowl made by treasurer, Ray Brooks.  Ray has been providing bowls as door prizes at our meetings for several years and they are one of the most appreciated and sought after door prizes at meetings.

Contest Guidelines

  • Log in to website (use the Log in link in the top right corner) with your email address and password. You may need to set or reset your password
  • Upload 5 of your own photos
  • After uploading photos, add a caption to each photo to briefly describe the photo
  • Once you've uploaded your photos, they will be visible to the public on this page
  • Check back to see new submissions. Click on photo to view full screen size.
  • Photos may be used in the SDHS website, online newsletter, Facebook page, and Instagram account
  • Contest ends April 3rd

Garden Descriptions from Past Tours

Here are links to garden descriptions from the 4 previous tours:

Uploaded Photos

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2016 - Del Mar
Our Mission To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.

Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.


© 2025 San Diego Horticultural Society

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