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  • January - Gary Ferguson – Wildfires in the West

January - Gary Ferguson – Wildfires in the West

  • Mon, January 08, 2018
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (PST)
  • Congregation Beth Israel 9001 Towne Centre Drive San Diego, CA 92122


  • Pay at meeting check-in

Free Admission for Firefighters and one Guest

Gary Ferguson
Wildfires in the West

As a leading advocate for conservation, Gary Ferguson
has been a speaker, researcher, teacher, and writer for the better part of the past 35 years on many environmental issues plaguing us today.  Bringing together years of experience with science, human nature, and psychology, many of his pieces study the human impact on our environment, as well as the impact that it has on humans. An author of 22 science and nature books, including the award winning Hawks Rest: A Season in the Remote Heart of Yellowstone, he has also written for magazines and newspapers like Vanity Fair and the LA Times.  

Gary's latest book, Land on Fire: The New Reality of Wildfire in the West, tackles
an issue that most, if not all, of us here on the west coast know all too well.
Western wildfires, how we have impacted our surroundings, how the fires affect us, and the integral part they play in many western forests. Please join us January 8th to hear Gary discuss his findings and gain a better understanding of wildfire ecology.
  Visit Gary's website @

Presentations start at 6:45

Members free 
Guests $15

Parking free for everyone

Our Mission To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.

Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.


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