Jim Booman of Booman Floral
Begonias, Unusual Plants, and Secrets From the Greenhouse

Join us on October 8 to hear Jim Booman of Booman Floral, one of the last original plant growers in San Diego County. Jim began his California career back in the 1980s, working at the Weidner Nursery in Encinitas. He went on to found Booman Floral in Vista. Jim will share his insights into the nursery industry, tell us about some of the history of the San Diego floral industry, and discuss the work of Booman Floral. He will also share some plants which are new introductions.
Jim started young, built his first greenhouse in 1968, and filled it with carnivorous plants. He began Booman Floral in 1990, with a selection of Cyclamen and a focus on unusual plants. Now, 50 years later, Booman is known for his breeding work with carnivorous plants, rex begonias, and orchids, as well as production of Hawaiian snowbush, Zygocactus(Schlumbergera), Fuchsia, Clivia, Streptocarpus, and Epiphyllum. Booman continually strives to improve and provide the highest quality plants, seeking elements of surprise and humor to delight customers.
Focusing on flowering plants and exceptional novelties, the mission of Booman Floral is to introduce unique plants and promote them with a sense of humor. Its Xtreem Plants™ line of plants was developed with the aim to interest children in the green world.
At its peak, with over 20 patents, 300,000 square feet of greenhouses, and two million cuttings rooted per week, Booman Floral, was the largest propagator of rex begonias in the United States and the largest grower of carnivorous plants in the world. Post-drought and recession, the company downsized to a “mere” 100,000 square feet and still focuses on unusual plants, most from its own breeding programs. Booman provides plants to wholesalers, brokers, and retail garden centers.
The evening starts at 6:00 PM at Congregation Beth Israel, 9001 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego. Parking is free and everyone is welcome. Admission is free for SDHS members and $15 for non-members. For more information, call (619) 296-9215 or visit sdhort.org.
Doors open at 6 PM with the presentations beginning at 6:45 PM.
Free for SDHS Members; $15 Non-members
Tickets available at the door.
Free, easy parking at the Congregation Beth Israel, 9001 Towne Centre Dr., San Diego, CA 92122