Featuring a talk about one of the hottest topics
in horticulture, HOUSEPLANTS.

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Please note: In accordance with our agreement with the presenter, this Zoom meeting will not be recorded and will not appear on our YouTube channel. Please plan to attend on April 10th, so as to not miss out.

Our presenter, Lisa Eldred Steinkopf, The Houseplant Guru, features all things houseplants on her blog www.thehouseplantguru.com and is the author of several books including Bloom - The Secrets of Growing Flowering Houseplants Year-round.
Not sure that an indoor gardener from Michigan has information pertinent to San Diegans? Think again! Despite the climate difference here in Southern California, where we grow most of the plants spotlighted in her book Bloom out of doors and year-round. This talk will be of great interest to everyone especially being able to bring our outdoor plants that we normally can't see at night inside successfully and learning to meet their different needs will open new vistas. Lisa will share her depth of knowledge in horticultural information.
LIsa grew up in rural mid-Michigan, being immersed in nature every day nurtured her love for all things outdoors, especially plants. Living “down the road” from her grandma meant spending a lot of time there and watching her lavish attention on her African violets and other houseplants. This is where the love for them began. Being an avid outdoor gardener as well has led to a column for Michigan Gardener magazine. In addition, she has written for HGTVgardens.com, MarthaStewart.com, Oprah Magazine.com, Real Simple magazine, Better Homes and Gardens, Horticulture, Fine Gardening, and the houseplant section of Allan Armitage’s Greatest Perennials and Annuals app. She lectures extensively around the country, spreading the word about the importance of houseplants and how to care for them, and has been interviewed online, in print, and on TV and radio about houseplants.
She cares for 100s of houseplants in her home in the Detroit area where she lives with her husband, John, and Henry the kitty.
She loves to visit conservatories during her travels and is a volunteer at the Belle Isle Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory in Detroit. Lisa feels every home, office, and apartment should have a houseplant and there is a houseplant for every situation. A “green thumb” is something anyone can have because “everyone needs a little green in their lives”!

In Bloom, The Houseplant Guru Lisa Eldred Steinkopf unleashes all the secrets on how to grow dozens of indoor plants that produce colorful, intricate, and sometimes fragrant blooms.
If you’ve ever struggled to get an orchid or African violet to rebloom, or if you’ve hesitated to add plants like hoya, anthurium, Madagascar jasmine, or clivia to your windowsill for fear you may never see their gorgeous flowers, Lisa reveals the insider strategies you need to encourage these plants to strut their stuff. In her signature warm and beginner-friendly tone, she introduces simple techniques you can use to encourage bloom alongside all the ins and outs of caring for these beautiful plants. Lush, full-color photography accompanies each in-depth plant profile.
Upping your houseplant game doesn’t have to involve spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the next trendy leafy-green foliage plant. If you want to expand both your growing skills and the number of specimens in your houseplant family, dive into the world of flowering houseplants instead. New cultivars of old favorites are taking the houseplant world by storm, and other, more unusual, species are now making their way into the limelight, thanks to the interest of millions of new houseplant parents around the world.
Get a Signed Copy from Lisa’s website- Bloom: The secrets of growing flowering houseplants year-round - The Houseplant Guru
Bloom is also available at bookstores locally, such as Warwick's Search | Warwick’s (warwicks.com) and Barnes & Noble Oceanside and many other Barnes & Noble locations in San Diego County.