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  • June 12 - Water Wisdom, Plants & Rebatesarden

June 12 - Water Wisdom, Plants & Rebatesarden

  • Mon, June 12, 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Congregation Beth Israel and zoom (6:45 PM)


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Attending meeting in-person at CBI
  • Register to receive the zoom link in email
  • Register to attend the meeting at CBI
  • Register to receive zoom link in email.

Registration is closed


Water Wisdom, Plants & Rebates
On June 12, ‘23

Please join the San Diego Horticultural Society on June 12, 2023 at 6p at CBI in-person/6:30p Zoom for our next hybrid meeting.

Water Wisdom, Plants & Rebates with 

Debby Dunn, who will be presenting a variety of valuable and shocking tips about indoor and outdoor water use.  In addition, learn about beautiful, easy, water wise plants that will invite wildlife and thrive in our local landscapes.  And finally, she will talk about the various rebates offered to San Diego residents.

Debby Dunn (Figoni) is an enthusiastic advocate for the environment, with an extreme passion for educating people to use water efficiently.  In her work as a Water Resources Specialist for San Diego County Water Authority, and in teaching water wise landscaping workshops for municipalities and garden groups throughout California, Debby has assisted over 12,000 residents and business owners to become more water wise and garden gorgeous.  

She is a Master Gardener and has created award winning landscapes that are attractive to people and wildlife.  Debby brings her experience to audiences in a fun, easily relatable way, and empowers her students to use water wisely as they create and maintain their own landscapes. 

She is teaching a 3 part series at the SD Botanical Garden in May and June and has a Groovy Garden at the SD County Fair this year.  

Debby is also our most recent Board Member.

  • Social hour begins at 6 PM. We invite guests to bring cuttings and flowers from their garden to display before the meeting
  • Presentations begin at 6:45 PM and will also be via zoom.
  • Free for SDHS Members; $15 Non-members, $10 Non-members via zoom
  • Free, easy parking at the Congregation Beth Israel. SDHS members and guests may park in the Beth Israel entered from Golden Haven Road. An elevator by the guard booth is available to access the meeting level.
  • In the event that the lot is full, Beth Israel has arranged for parking in the adjacent Gateway Building parking lot. Bring parking ticket to the meeting for validation.
Our Mission To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.

Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.


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