Meet The Trees
Bonsai Appreciation Through Demystification
Please join the San Diego Horticultural Society on July 10, 2023, at 6p at CBI in-person 6:30p Zoom for our next hybrid meeting.
Kyle Icke, VP of the San Diego Bonsai Club,
will be presenting all about the art of Bonsai gardening.

Meet The Trees
Bonsai Appreciation Through Demystification
On July 10th, 2023, at CBI, in-person attendees will be able to see Bonsai trees up close and meet them - touch the trees, see the tools used for styling, and then even help Kyle prune a tree or two.

From Kyle Icke:
Favorite Tree - Elm
Although this will be a hybrid meeting, a portion, if not all, of the in-person audience will have the opportunity for some audience participation and be able to try their hands at some Bonsai tree pruning. We’ve never done a hybrid meeting that includes participation of the in-person attendees before and are excited to blaze new hybrid meeting trails with Kyle’s help.
It is our intention for this meeting to be as interesting and informative for those joining in on Zoom and only seeing the PowerPoint presentation, as it will be for those in-person at CBI.