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Workshop - Plant Propagation Success!

  • Sat, March 08, 2014
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Vista
  • 2


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • San Diego Horticultural Society Workshop

Registration is closed

Plant Propagation Success!


Liz Youngflesh, owner of Garden Glories Nursery in Vista, propagates the plants she sells in her nursery. She will demonstrate the methods that work for her. There are many ways to increase the plant population in your garden. Learn techniques for dividing plants, as well as methods of taking cuttings and propagating plants from succulent, softwood and hardwood cuttings. Various rooting agents and planting mediums will be discussed, as well as recommendations for protecting your cuttings until they are ready to transplant.


Twelve years ago, Liz began looking for ways to incorporate her love of gardening into a career opportunity. The result was the founding of Garden Glolries Nursery, a plant nursery and demonstration garden in Vista. Liz feeds her "plant addiction" by searching the state for unusual plants that help make your garden a retreat for you and a haven for birds and butterflies. Before offering new plants to the public, Liz gives her new finds a trial run in her demonstration gardens at the nursery, weeding out those that won't do well in our area. Liz, a 1999 graduate of the Master Gardener Program, is a frequent speaker to garden groups around the county and conducts field trips at her nursery to observe the "GLORIES" of her garden. Liz says that one of her most gratifying rewards is feedback she receives from her customers that the plants she has so tenderly nurtured have found happy homes and are flourishing in gardens throughout Southern California. 


Plants in the nursery will be available for purchase at a 20% discount on the day of the class.


To be held rain or shine.


Bring the following:

  • Sunscreen
  • Hat
  • Water
  • Closed-toe shoes are REQUIRED

By registering for this workshop I understand that I will attend this workshop at my own risk.  Host gardens, workshop instructors, and the San Diego Horticultural Society assume no liability whatsoever. 

Questions about this workshop? Click HERE to send an email.

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Registration will close three days before the event.  If you must cancel, be considerate and allow enough time to let another member register and attend.

Our Mission To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.

Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.


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