Founded 1994Let's Talk Plants!
Plants to use as Companions to Succulents
You've got succulents in your garden, and now you want to know what other plants with similar cultural requirements would make good companions for them. The plants discussed will vary from ground covers to shrubs to trees, and will include those with complimentary textures, colors, and beautiful flowers.
This workshop will be led by Mike Hirsch, who has 48 years of experience in landscape design and installation and has owned several nurseries in Southern California. Mike has received awards from his garden installations at San Diego Home/Garden shows. Workshop will be held on the grounds of his succulent-oriented nursery, Gardens by the Sea, in Leucadia.
To be held outdoors. HEAVY RAIN COULD CANCEL - if it rains on the morning of workshop contact Annie Morgan between 8am and 9:30am at 760-803-8948.
Plants in the nursery will be available for purchase at a 20% discount (with a few exceptions) on the day of the class.
To be held rain or shine.
Bring the following:
By registering for this workshop I understand that I will attend this workshop at my own risk. Host gardens, workshop instructors, and the San Diego Horticultural Society assume no liability whatsoever.
Questions about this workshop? Click HERE to send an email.
Need to cancel your reservation? - Click HERE to send an email.
Registration will close two days before the event. If you must cancel, be considerate and allow enough time to let another member register and attend.
Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.
© 2025 San Diego Horticultural Society